Poses de Yoga para conectarte con el elemento Aire
mayo 23, 2018
Kitchen Cabinet, your medicinal pharmacy
junio 14, 2018

Why would you go on a yoga retreat?

As a former corporate girl I went to plenty of yoga retreats. I needed them ;). In this blog I would love to share with you why to go on a yoga retreat and how it can benefit you.

Why go on a yoga retreat?

Nowadays we live in a very fast-paced world, we barely give ourselves the opportunity to connect to ourselves and nurture and love us. In our everyday lives of family, friends and work we keep ‘giving’ our energy, but when do we make time to receive? When do we allow ourselves to be taken care of, so we can focus on connecting to our higher selves and receive the answers we have been looking for?

We all have our own needs or reasons to go on a yoga retreat. Here some of the most heard reasons. You allow yourself:
• 'me-time' to connect
• To be in a totally different, safe environment
• A facilitated space to grow spiritually
• To step out of your current patterns and systems
• To eat super healthy.
• Time and space to think about who you are and what your next step is
• To search for answers

For me personally the most important reason is, and always has been, time for myself to reconnect to me. To nurture myself, take care of myself, and grow spiritually in a safe space.

What does a yoga retreat look like?

Of course this differs per retreat, and it depends on the teachers as well. Most of the retreats I participated in or hosted were filled with meditation, yoga, conscious workshops and nutritious food. A wonderful space is provided to get acquainted with meditation, yoga, plant medicine and spiritual tools that can be used in your day to day life.

For me a yoga retreat is a place where you develop yourself spiritually. Thanks to daily yoga practices, as well as workshops on (for example) ancestral medicine, writing & conscious language or a nutrition workshop. You are with a fixed group of people (I always choose the more intimate retreats, max 10-12 persons, I need the personal attention;)) with whom you create a connection. A great opportunity to meet like minded people. I have made friends at retreats, we live all around the world, but are still in touch!

What are the benefits of a week of yoga, meditation & plant medicine?

From my own experience I share some of the benefits that I have sensed during and after the retreats I went on: • A break from the ‘daily stuff’
• A connection to my higher self
• Taking care of myself physically, emotionally and spiritually
• to get acquainted with yoga and meditation
• Releasing patterns & habits I didn’t need anymore
• Being nurtured by nature and loving people
• Receiving answers on mayor questions in life
• Gaining knowledge about plant medicine and shamanic rituals
• Recognition, like minded people and friends for life!

Listen to your heart: what kind of retreat do you want?

If you think about going on a yoga retreat, listen to your heart. What retreat gives you the feeling it will nurture you, facilitate space for you to grow and where you can receive the answers that are there for you!

If you have (and make) the opportunity, time and resources, follow your heart and allow yourself a week of yoga, meditation, workshops and plant medicine. I would love to invite you to our yoga & ancestral medicine retreat in the Andes of Ecuador. Hope to see you there!

Willemijn Welten

CranioSacral therapist & yoga teacher. The past ten years she learned to listen to the signals of her own body through meditation, yoga and CranioSacral therapy. Travelled a lot (a lot), started a company called House of Awareness, her own coaching & healing business, reading tarot, a vegan lifestyle and became a yoga teacher. She discovered the benefits of being highly sensitive.
As a Hatha yoga teacher Willemijn honors the traditions of yoga. Her style can be best described as eclectic hatha. But she also loves to teach some more restorative classes! She believes it always start with the breath, that is the key to your body, mind and spirit. Through the breath we can remember who we truly are! She loves to help you through craniosacral therapy & yoga to be your true selves. So you can see yourself and listen to your body, with all of your powers, gifts and talents.
Yoga Retreat

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