According to the wall street journal, the number of new yoga teachers has increased in the last few years. Almost 15,000 teachers have registered with Yoga Alliance in the last year, that’s a hefty 18% rise from 2008. Yoga Alliance which marks the industry standard is the American largest yoga-teacher registry. This number does not include those individuals who completed the training, but decided not to register.
Of course, many people take yoga-instructor training (YTT) because they want to teach, though teachers themselves say it is difficult to earn a living doing that. For the rest of students, the program has become an advanced training course seeking a deeper meaning of the concept of yoga.
YTT offers the individual a more profound understanding of the complete «Yogi».
A complete YTT program incorporates Style Structure Alignment, Yoga Philosophy, Applied Yoga anatomy, Breathing techniques such as Pranayama, Mantra chanting and Meditation. Some schools are going the extra mile by including sequencing tutorials, adjustment clinics, asana examination, Ayurveda medicine and nutritional understanding of a Yogi.
For many studios, YTT has become an important source of revenue, therefore, studios try many different incentives to gain market share. A typical local YTT 200 program costs on average from US$2,000 – US$4000. Most if these programs are offered during weekends, or in the summer months as a month long program. However, food and accommodation are not part of the program.
The new wave for many students who want to combine a vacation plus training are travelling to many schools in Asia, Central and South America. In many cases, training is lot cheaper in these locations where the program includes food and accommodation. The complete program costs on average US$ 1800 – US$4000.
The wall street journal says that the day long yoga workshops and weekend retreats offer the chance to explore various yoga topics in greater depth. However, YTT goes a step further, offering more comprehensive and intensive study, typically in a small-group setting.
More than half of those who graduate from the program have no intention of teaching but found the experience transformational. As one graduate explains that the program helps people master «not just yoga poses, but things that are blocking you in your life. She says training has helped people confront addiction, face a troubled marriage or find the courage to change careers.»
Most students find training to be emotionally and physically demanding, for many this is the first time they have to tap into emotional behaviours. Some students have said that «It’s almost like intense therapy,» The issues are in your tissues. The more you get into the tissues, the more you get into deep-rooted issues.»
According to the Sports & Fitness Industry Association, about 25 million people did yoga last year. Yoga’s wide range of forms has made it attractive to fitness fanatics as well as people seeking gentle movement or meditation.
Research suggests that yoga can reduce low-back pain, it lowers your heart rate, it helps you with insomnia, it helps you to manage daily stressors and it can help relieve anxiety. As the student starts to undertand the combination of asanas with proper breathing, they start to feel all the listed benefits and more.
OM Healing Center Cuenca
Our mission at OM Healing Center is to offer you a comfortable space where you have all of the tools needed in order to find motivation, dedication and transformation to reach optimum balance.
OM Healing Center offers daily Hatha and Ashtanga Classes, private yoga classes, meditation, yoga teacher training, a combination of Yoga and touristic trip to incredible India. As part of our alternative medicine, we offer a holistic approach to health through Homeopathy, Quantum Healing, Ayurveda Medicine, Thai Massage, and Cranial massage, Reiki Energy Healing, Nutritional Coaching and Psychotherapy.