What We Feel In Yoga
septiembre 26, 2016
marzo 9, 2017

Why do I teach Yoga?

Why do I teach yoga?

Why indeed do we teach yoga?  I wanted to share what inspires me to teach.  Also I wanted to find out from the other teachers their reason for teaching.


I teach yoga because I love sharing with my students the transformation yoga can bring to your life.

When I started yoga many years ago, I saw my teachers as individuals that had reached a good understanding of themselves, therefore, understanding of others. They seemed to be so put together, so happy, so spiritual and so at peace. As time passed, I became more aware of myself, more relaxed, more flexible.

All my teachers have been incredible; I loved all of them.  Each class was like poetry to my senses.  As I left each class, I noticed how happy and at peace I felt.  I was practicing five days a week and loved every minute of it. The studio became like a second home, where I found kindness, acceptance and great new friends. I can really say that I was seduced by yoga.

The next logical step for me was to become a teacher.  Before I knew it, I was flying to India and taking the 200 hour teacher training.  During those six weeks, I found peace, happiness, and understanding of self and spiritual growth. I understood that unless I found inner peace and joy for me, I could not share it with others.  I love teaching people everything that I learned – I share my transformation with them.

 Leela Sol

I teach yoga because it is a gift to be able to share the experience of God with others. Being a teacher means having the responsibility of channeling and sharing the ancient wisdom of yoga. In order for me to be a clear vessel of this love, I need to continue being a student. There is no superiority or inferiority in yoga and that’s what I appreciate most. We are all here learning from each other.


Giving love is one of the most beautiful parts of being a yoga teacher. Deliver that energetic part and feel the acceptance, happiness and growth in each of the classes, look at each of the students after class and realize that I can be a positive contribution in each of their lives that is my greatest motivation, is my reason for teaching. «I offer the transformation within me and I receive the acceptance within them.» Thank you for teaching me how to teach.


I teach yoga because I want to help people and make the world a more opened minded place – where we can accept people for who they truly are. Yoga has changed my life completely; I used to be in a dark place in my life until I found yoga and when yoga found me. Ever since then, I’ve wanted to teach and better myself in a positive manner by sharing my experiences and knowledge with others.

 OM Healing Center Cuenca

Our mission at OM Healing Center is to offer you a comfortable space where you have all of the tools needed in order to find motivation, dedication and transformation to reach optimum balance.

 OM Healing Center offers daily Hatha and Ashtanga Classes, private yoga classes, meditation, yoga teacher training, a combination of Yoga and touristic trip to incredible India.  As part of our alternative medicine, we offer a holistic approach to health through Homeopathy, Quantum Healing, Ayurveda Medicine, Thai Massage, and Cranial massage,Reiki Energy Healing, Nutritional Coaching and Psychotherapy.


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